For parents
Nau mai Haere mai taku whānau – Welcome to the Family

Whānau involvement
As an incorporated society, whānau contribute to the Centre.
We value parent/caregiver/whānau contribution, and appreciate any time you can give us. While we don’t have a parent help roster, the expectation is that parents will contribute in a way that suits them best. You may be interested in running a session for the children within Centre hours involving a special skill you have, helping out at our working bees, helping us on trips, joining the governance committee, or any other contribution you can make. Talk to any of our teaching team or governance committee members about ideas that you have and how you can be involved.
Governance Committee
Our committee is made up of parents and the Centre manager who attend an evening meeting once every two months to discuss all aspects of running the Centre. Parents and whānau are encouraged to volunteer on the committee for at least one year while their children are attending the Centre. There are a variety of positions available:
Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Family Liaison, Community Liaison, Grants, Fundraising, Policy Support.
Parent meetings, workshops and events
All parents are welcome to attend these meetings and are encouraged to do so. It is expected that parents/whānau can attend at least one committee meeting a year. Minutes and advisory documentation is routinely sent to all Centre parents to ensure flow of information and opportunity for feedback.
Being a committee member means attending the Centre committee meetings for approximately one hour every two months. We do Zoom too!
We also hold an AGM every year, and It is expected that all families will be represented at this meeting.
Our policies and procedures
All of our current policies and procedures can be accessed here. If you have any questions, please speak to a member of our staff.
Before your child’s first day at the Centre, please bring along your child’s immunisation record and Birth certificate. A copy will be placed in your child’s file. You will need to let us know when your child’s immunisations are updated.
You will need to hand any medicine (pills, inhalers or other medication) to a teacher. You must fill out the medicines register. Please do not leave any medication in your child’s bag — it needs to be locked away safely.
Child’s Health
We are unable to look after your child if they are sick. Please keep children with diarrhoea, temperatures or infectious illnesses at home. If a child becomes ill while at the centre we require a parent or guardian to collect them as soon as possible. There is a copy of an Infectious diseases poster in the bathroom for information.
All injuries are recorded and advised to parents when their child is collected. If there is a serious injury, you will be contacted on the emergency contact number you provided (please ensure you advise the Head Teacher in writing if this number has changed).
All staff have first aid certificates and undertake regular refresher courses.
You should pack your child a nutritious morning tea and lunch and a bottle of water. We encourage fresh, healthy foods. Please do not send sweets, juices or chewing gum. You are able to use the fridge for storing yogurt or other foods that need to be chilled. Please put foods to be heated on the top shelf and write on the white board on the fridge.
We ask that each family donate one or two pieces of fruit each week for a shared afternoon tea. There is a collection basket in the kitchen.
Please let us know about allergies or special dietary requirements (vegetarian, kosher, halal, gluten free etc.)
Please note that we do not allow nuts of any kind, peanuts, walnuts, almonds etc or plastic wrap in the centre as these can cause allergic reactions or choking hazards.
Each child is provided with a cubby hole for storage of their belongings. Please bring a bag with a few changes of named clothing. We often have very active days and children get dirty and wet. Older clothing is preferable.
In the summer please ensure that your child has a named sunhat that provides adequate protection. (We have some if you forget) You should also make sure that your child has sunblock on exposed skin before they arrive at the centre. We will reapply after lunch. Sunblock is available if you forget, however it is your responsibility to apply this in the morning.
In winter please ensure that your child has a warm jacket (appropriate clothing), hat and gumboots or a change of shoes. (Gumboots are perfect)
If your child is in nappies, you will need to keep a stock of named nappies at the centre above the nappy change area. Please make sure you check these regularly.
Sleeping and Resting Times
Children sleep on “Teddy beds “in a designated sleep room. Bedding is provided and laundered by the centre. We try to allow children to follow their own sleeping patterns as much as possible.
Toilet training
The teachers will work with parents when toilet training has started at home and will encourage your child to toilet every hour.
Special needs or interests
We like to know if your child has any special interests or needs. Please talk to us about what they are doing at home so we know how to tailor a programme for them.
Excursions and local outings
The centre participates in several whole centre excursions throughout the year, e.g. Wellington Zoo and Matiu Somes Island.
We also undertake local outings to other groups/services in the community such as Newtown Library, local playgrounds, Newtown Fire station etc.
Parents/caregivers will be asked to give written consent for their child to participate in any excursions. If no consent is given on the enrolment form then that child may not participate in local excursions. Notifications of excursions will be displayed on the notice board outside the centre entrance.
Excursions are not compulsory. Parents will be given the option for their child to remain at the centre, unless it is a whole-centre excursion in which case the centre will be closed for the day and children not attending the excursion will have to find alternative care for that day.
Parents are encouraged to attend excursions, and we may require a minimum number of parents for a particular excursion to go ahead. An excursion backpack containing a First aid kit, medication, sunhats, an attendance roll, spare clothing, food and drink (if going longer than 1 hour), and a cell phone will accompany the group excursion.
Where possible, parents will be informed on the day, of a planned local outing.
A cell phone will be taken on any excursion, and if no one is to remain at the centre a notice will be left at the centre noting where the children and adults have gone and the cell phone number should they wish to contact them.
The centre keeps a car booster seat, for use in the case of emergency, e.g. where a child needs to be taken to the doctor. Parent/caregiver permission for the child to be taken to the doctor must be obtained on enrolment.
Emergency Plan and Safety Procedures
NELC has a full policy with this information, which can be found in the entrance foyer of the centre. The centre has a survival pack including transistor radio, torch etc. The location of our Civil Defence centre is Newtown School.
In case of a fire we will be either at the Med Warehouse or the park.
Every week we practice, earthquake drills, and every month we practice fire drills. This is then recorded in the diary by the sign in book. We have organised fire drill taken by the WCC in which we activate the fire alarm and ring the fire brigade 3 to 4 times a year.
Communication with parents (profiles, Storypark, Notice boards)
Each child has their own profile book at the centre where learning stories and other assessment information is kept. Your tamariki’s kaiako will be responsible for filling this out. This is available to be read by parents and whānau at any point, and can be borrowed to take home for short periods. But please make sure you return this. This profile is also available online through the Storypark website. Input is encouraged to provide a connection between home and the centre in terms of your tamariki’s interest and development. Please talk to any of our teaching team about getting a log on for the Storypark site.
Information relevant to parents about upcoming fundraising events and centre social activities will also be posted on the Parent notice board. Please check there regularly to see what is happening and contact any one of the kaiako team if you have any questions or if you want to get involved.
Education Review Office Report
Read our latest ERO Report here
Our most recent ERO review was very positive, and made particular mention of our supportive and caring environment.
“Children have opportunities to participate in a programme that encourages them to explore, be creative, experiment and play…Teachers sensitively respond to and support infants’ and toddlers’ needs for strong and secure attachment, and children experience a calm and unhurried learning environment. Tuakana-teina practice is a strength of the centre.”