Our Team


Shannan - Head Teacher

Kia ora I am Shannan and the Head Teacher at Newtown Early Learning Centre.

I have been at NELC since 2008 and enjoy being part of the Newtown community.

I completed my BEd (teaching) and began teaching in 2003.  I have two sons who both attended the centre, and I love being with family and friends in my spare time.



After many years working as a teacher aide and education support worker while her children were young, Rozie studied for a qualification in Early Childhood Education. Rozie joined Newtown Early Learning Centre in 2018, and she brings with her many years of teaching experience, as well as a love of music, singing, messy play and a sense of fun. Rozie enjoys welcoming new families into the Centre and particularly enjoys the mixed-ages early childhood environment where children of various ages learn together in a family-type environment. In her spare time, Rozie enjoys baking, gardening and walking her little dog.



Richard recently completed his Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood from Te Rito Maioha. He also has a Bachelor of Arts from Victoria University of Wellington – Te Herenga Waka. As an at-home dad to his three children and many years at Playcentre he decided to become an early childhood teacher. Richard loves to support children to reach their own learning goals and have fun while doing it. He also has a passion for making giant soap bubbles. 


Kia ora, my name is Liz and I have been a qualified, permanent full time teacher at NELC since August 2022. Prior to that I was working as a reliever with a local agency for 6 years, most of the last year I was working at NELC which suited me well as I prefer small, mixed aged community centres  like this one. I love working on group projects and science related activities with the tamariki. I gained my Graduate Diploma (ECE) Teaching from Victoria University in 2008, and have been teaching ever since, mainly part time when my sons were at primary school. In my spare time I like to go to local events and travel around the country and overseas.

Our regular relievers are:

Jos (Qualified Primary school teacher)

Andrew (Experienced ECE teacher)